Welcome to Persons of Interest— a series in which I dive into good taste by asking the most compelling people I can find what they’re interested in and obsessed with.
This week we are graced by the presence Jordan Ward. Jordan is a part of a small cohort of Substack writers I am in regular contact with. His newsletter No Score is always an immediate read when it hits my inbox, and it’s always a favorite. He’s a curator at No Country Nashville, an incredible host, a dear friend, and my favorite person to accidentally spend like 3 hours with (which happens more often than you’d think thanks to Weak Coffee). He’s also very cool. Welcome to the POI stage, Jordan!
Name some songs you can’t stop listening to.
Walking In The Rain by Toro y Moi
Jean by Hovvdy
Velveteen by Alvvays
Hard To Love by The Drums
At It Again (Again) by Slow Pulp
Chinatown by Wild Nothing
Where Damage Isn’t Already Done by The Radio Dept
Afterworld by Phantom Youth
The entire The National discography
What’s a book you recommend to everyone?
Sunburn by Chloe Michelle Howarth
What’s something that you feel doesn’t get enough hype?
Phone on Do Not Disturb always. My wife, parents/siblings, a few close friends, and some people I need to answer for are on my favorites list (that allows their calls to go through do not disturb). I’m not the kind of person that is hard to reach or hates answering, my attention just gets derailed so quickly. I love that my phone doesn’t ever make noise when I’m not on it.
Name something you think is cool.
Doing what you want to do. If you want to start something, start it. If you don’t want to do it anymore, don’t. All of the coolest people do what they want, not in a rebellious or selfish way, but in a self assured way. One of my friends gets up at like 4am everyday because he wants to and it works for him. That’s cool.
What’s the best thing you’ve purchased in the past three months?
Arc pants from Le Bon Shoppe.
Name a couple of things you’re obsessed with.
Music, asking questions, running quick errands, sitting on the couch, taking the scenic route to avoid traffic, roaming antique stores, branding/packaging, and movies.
What are you a big fan of right now?
Shirts that fit perfectly, flowers on my nightstand, iced americanos, Levi 560’s, riding my bike, Trader Joes, and trying on clothes until I find the perfect outfit for my mood.
What makes something interesting to you?
Authenticity. I think it’s easy to make and do things just for the hell of it these days, and honestly there’s nothing wrong with that. People can do what they want (as I mentioned earlier). That said, I think the things I end up finding interesting stem from people doing things because they really love it as opposed to doing it to seem cool.
How do you know when your interest in something has passed the threshold and has become a part of your personality?
Honestly I feel like I don’t really get interested in things without making them my personality. If I decide I like something I’m all in, even if it only interests me for a few days. I try not to do too much because of it, I’ll get in over my head.
What’s something you’re newly interested in?
Numbers. I want to see the numbers on everything. How much does that cost? How much does this make? How much does that cost to operate? Give me all the numbers and give me numbers to run.
What’s something you’ll always be a fan of?
Having a cup of coffee with friends in the morning.
What’s something that’s overhyped?
Everything, Everywhere, All At Once. Visually stunning, the rest was fine.
What are you tired of talking about?
Brat. I was sad to see it get clobbered by corporate America. Charlie XCX is one of the greatest to do it though, it’s by no fault of her own.
What’s one trend you wish would be over?
It’s just now starting, but bringing boat shoes back is crazy work. Stop it.
Jordan also made you a playlist for when the weather dips under seventy.
You can follow him on Instagram and subscribe to his newsletter, No Score.
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“clobbered” is such a good word, don’t hear that nearly enough!
type shit 🫶🏼